Surprising the discussion was not about how awesome the musician was, but about how good she was at being a feminist. Roxane also talks about Beyoncé at 5:31-6:14 where she projected the word Feminism behind her performance at the 2014 MTV Awards. “Women are equal to men we have the right to move through the world as we choose, to be free from harassment or violence we have the right to easy, affordable access to birth control we have the right to make choices about our bodies, free from legislative oversight we have the right to respect.” I believe this fulfills the core principles of feminism. At 1:37-2:12 Roxane quotes the following “I hold certain truths to be self-evident,” she says passionately. Roxane talks that over time she realized that her views include that woman are equal to men and therefore deserve the same rights which include being paid at the same rate as men, and be able to control of their own bodies. One of the core principles defines feminism as having equality and justice for women. In the TED talk “Confessions of a Bad Feminist” Roxane Gay discussed how she agrees with many of the values associated with feminism, which would technically make her a feminist.